Disney’s new thing of turning their films into live action blockbusters continues with Beauty And The Beast. Cinderella in 2015… Read the full story
Beauty And The Beast is a lavish and heartwarming remake with all the magic of the original
‘Confused’ Emma Watson responds to criticism over her topless Vanity Fair shoot
This is the original story behind Beauty And The Beast and it’s not a happy one
Belle is back! But obviously the upcoming live-action remake isn’t the story’s first telling and no, neither was the 1991 film, or even the the 1946 one for that matter.
Read the full storyEmma Watson reveals there’s a Harry Potter cast group text chain and it’s still going
The main cast of Harry Potter still text each other.

Emma Watson, who played Hermione Granger in the films, said she feels ‘very supported’ by her former cast members.
In an interview with Entertainment Tonight Emma revealed the cast use a group chat to stay in touch.
‘We actually have a group WhatsApp which invited everyone really from the main cast from Harry Potter to come to the screening,’ she said.
‘It’s a case of trying to, like, get people into the right… Read the full story
Emma Watson might just be the nicest woman in Hollywood
Piers Morgan gets caught casually tweeting Emma Watson live on air
Emma Watson clears up comments she made about Beyonce in 2014
Emma Watson has fired back after comments she made about Beyonce in an old interview were dug out.

Emma’s a hot topic at the moment following her racy Vanity Fair photoshoot.
She faced backlash over the pics as critics claimed she couldn’t call herself a feminist and then pose without a bra to promote her new film.
Beyonce fans – known as the Beyhive – found a 2014 interview Emma… Read the full story
Emma Watson reveals how she almost ruined the Harry Potter movies
Women have voted Bridget Jones as their most inspirational fictional heroine
Bridget Jones, the woman who will ‘not be defeated by a bad man and an American stick insect’ and will ‘instead choose Chaka Khan… and vodka’, has been named the most inspirational fictional heroine.

The fictional… Read the full story
Emma Watson side-steps rumours she was dropped from La La Land — claiming she was too busy playing Belle to do it
Emma Watson has explained why she didn’t take the lead role in La La Land following rumours she was dropped for ‘demanding’ behaviour.

No, there isn’t a Harry Potter reference in Beauty And The Beast, but there are 8 Easter Eggs to look out for
Beauty And The Beast director Bill Condon has shut down talk of a Harry Potter reference in the film.

Harry Potter fans got very excited when a clip from Beauty And The Beast appeared to include a nod to Harry Potter character Neville Longbottom.
During the song Belle, Belle meets Monsieur Jean and asks if he’s forgotten something.
Monsieur Jean… Read the full story
Emma Watson reveals why she said no to La La Land opposite Ryan Gosling clearing the way for Emma Stone
One ticket is being sold every 28 seconds for the new live-action Beauty And The Beast movie
It’s being dubbed the blockbuster of the year so far, so it’s perhaps no surprise that one ticket is being sold every 28 seconds for the Disney reboot of Beauty And The Beast.

Is Le Fou in love with Gaston? Beauty And The Beast director answers the age-old question
Beauty And The Beast director Bill Condon has revealed… Read the full story
Emma Watson on why Beauty And The Beast’s Belle ‘breaks the mould’ of Disney princesses
Emma Watson thinks Belle from Beauty And The Beast isn’t your typical Disney princess.

Sure, she falls in love with a prince, gets to wearing a big, puffy dress and she bursts into song whenever the mood takes her – but… Read the full story
Emma Watson falls victim to hackers as private photos of her are stolen
Emma Watson has fallen victim to a hacking which has seen private photos of hers stolen and leaked online.

Reps for the Beauty And The… Read the full story
Review: Beauty And The Beast is a heartwarming remake with all the magic of the original
Disney are back with another live action version of one of their classic animations.
There was always a risk remaking Beauty And The Beast as it’s such a classic. The songs are some of the best songs to come from Disney and have lasted through the ages, and… Read the full story
Beauty And The Beast stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens tell us what brings out their beastly side
Emma Watson and Dan Stevens have confessed that they have a beastly side.

The actors play Belle and Beast in the upcoming live action version of Beauty And The Beast.
As the story goes, Beast has been cursed to look like a monstrous creature until he drops his bad attitude and finds true love.
When they first meet, he’s moody, grumpy and stubborn – and let’s be honest, we’ve all felt a bit like that at… Read the full story
Emma Watson denies nude photos of woman in a bath are her as hackers steal actress’ private photos
Emma Watson has denied photos showing an unknown naked woman in a bathtub are of her, after her publicist confirmed personal photos of the star had been stolen.

From Emma Watson to Jennifer Lawrence – what these victims had to say when private photos were mercilessly hacked from their phones
Taking an intimate photograph and sending it to your partner – a partner you trust and respect – might seem like an innocent, and fairly common, act.

It’s a private moment between two people that is only intended to be seen by the recipient.
But for those in the public eye, with tiny-minded hackers desperate to get to their personal files and violate their privacy, this isn’t an act they can freely… Read the full story